Join the 45-Day Challenge!

Many people set lofty exercise goals for the summer and often get discouraged when they fall short.  Recognize that is difficult to keep to a schedule in the summer, and realize that the summer is not over yet!

Join me and others as we embark on a 45-day challenge, starting August 1.  All you need to do is make a commitment to healthier living.  Some people are giving up vices, others are starting training plans with a goal in mind.  It’s not too late to meet those summer goals.

Time to challenge yourself

Step 1 – Set a Performance Goal

What do you want to accomplish?  Really think about this.  You have to have a desire to accomplish your goal.  Make it one that is meaningful and SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.  Read here for more information on how to set and keep SMART goals.  Read here for tips about how to pick up a good habit or drop a bad one.set goals

A specific performance goal will help keep you motivated.  My goal is to drop 2 minutes from my last 5K race time.  However, break down this major goal into smaller 2-week goals.  I have scheduled workouts and races and can keep track of my main goal by breaking it down into smaller achievements.  For example, I will race the same course each week and have time goals for each week.  Though my end performance goal is a reach, I will be pleased if I meet the other goals that I have set for myself along the way.

As Mark Twain said, “Aim above the mark to hit the mark.”

Step 2 – Schedule

Schedule the tasks that you need to do in order to reach your goal.  For example, if you are training for a 5K, schedule your runs.  Write them in your calendar.

Think about when it will be difficult to stick to this schedule.  If possible, write in alternative workouts to allow for potential conflicts.  For example, if you may have to stay late at work, can you run in the morning or at lunch.  If it rains, what will you do?  Plan for conflicts and excuses.



See our Facebook page and event page for more information.


Summit Performance Consulting LLC works with adults and teens of all levels to improve academic and athletic performance.  Contact us for more information at


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